I really could have walked to the National Bike Summit. The host hotel is a few blocks from my house, but this ride is not about me. It's about showing women (and really everyone) that cycling can and should be your first choice for transportation.
It's better for our environment (even my 7 yr old granddaughter knows that), it's better for both our physical and mental health, also important to many of us, in the current economy, it's better for your bank account.
Yeah, yeah, I know we all have many excuses why we can't ride, but they are just that excuses. There are women centric bike groups in many cities. I'm representing Black Women Bike DC on this weeks ride, Nelle Pierson from WABA's Women and Bicycles is with me. That's two powerful groups in our nations capital, advocating for women and bikes. We are riding with women who represent advocacy groups in both NYC (WE Bike NYC) and Philly (Gearing Up, Women Bike PHL). Find a group in your town and join the cause.
By the way, it was about 10 degrees when we left our Philadelphia hotel this morning but we were met at Love Park by a hearty group of Philly Cyclist. Liz (sorry I don't know your last name) from Neighborhood Bike Works, led us on a ride out of the city. I can't THANK them enough for their support. It was a great start and we had a great day.
Tomorrow we head to Baltimore.