Friday, February 28, 2014

Day 2 Philly to Newark, DE is done!

When I agreed to a winter ride to attend the National Bike Summit, I'm not sure why my first consideration wasn't weather. I really don't like cold! Below 70, I'm actually kind of grouchy. Yes, I use my bike for quick trips in winter but this is crazy. We left our NYC hotel, Thursday around 7am and the first time the temperature hit freezing (that's 32, in case you don't know) was at 2:48pm today!! (Yes, there's an app for that)

I really could have walked to the National Bike Summit. The host hotel is a few blocks from my house, but this ride is not about me. It's about showing women (and really everyone) that cycling can and should be your first choice for transportation.

It's better for our environment (even my 7 yr old granddaughter knows that), it's better for both our physical and mental health, also important to many of us, in the current economy, it's better for your bank account.

Yeah, yeah, I know we all have many excuses why we can't ride, but they are just that excuses. There are women centric bike groups in many cities. I'm representing Black Women Bike DC on this weeks ride, Nelle Pierson from WABA's Women and Bicycles is with me. That's two powerful groups in our nations capital, advocating for women and bikes. We are riding with women who represent advocacy groups in both NYC (WE Bike NYC) and Philly (Gearing Up, Women Bike PHL).  Find a group in your town and join the cause.

By the way, it was about 10 degrees when we left our Philadelphia hotel this morning but we were met at Love Park by a hearty group of Philly Cyclist. Liz (sorry I don't know your last name) from Neighborhood Bike Works, led us on a ride out of the city. I can't THANK them enough for their support. It was a great start and we had a great day.

Tomorrow we head to Baltimore.


Thursday, February 27, 2014

Day 1 Is Complete!

So, we made it to Philly!

There were some missteps, or should I say missed turns, but we had an amazing day.  The biking sisterhood is alive and well and these women truly represented.

The temperatures were frigid, resulting in some severe knee pain for me, so I skipped the final 25 miles. SAG support is awesome! The ladies from Woman Tours have gone above and beyond to ensure we have what we need. I, of course, being a diva (or maybe just old) also have personal SAG support from my good friend Beverly.

Doesn't look like tomorrow's leg from Philly to somewhere in DE, will be any warmer but we're ready. I think it's super important to continue to show other women what an awesome mode of transportation is available on the good old bicycle.

Well, I better get to sleep as we ride at 7am and it's already passed my bedtime.


Finally time to ride!

Safely arrived in NYC yesterday to be greeted by 20 degree temperatures. Oh the joys of winter.  Had an opportunity to dine with our group and discuss today's ride.

Day 1 was planned for a 5am departure and 100 miles of riding. Based on the single digit wind chills, we've pushed that start to 7am and pretty sure we will decrease the mileage but will see once we get started. Lucky us!

Going to have coffee and breakfast before I hit the road. Hopefully it won't be too cold to get some pictures on our scenic ride through New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

Thinking happy and warm thoughts (of course, I'm still in bed!).


Tuesday, February 25, 2014

2 Days Before the Big Ride!

I'm leaving for NYC tomorrow.

Just finished packing my bags with full winter cycling gear which includes a rain suit, long winter pants, fleeced lined jackets, smart wool base layers and socks! I really hate socks but when the high temp is forecasted to be below freezing, than socks it is!

I'm also asking myself, why am I'm riding over 200 miles to reach a destination that is less than 6 blocks from my home, really? Obviously, I am committed to women and cycling and sharing with the masses that it really is easy to use your bike for transportation. 

So follow along for the next five days and lets see how it goes.


By the way.... This is what it looked like outside my window this morning. I can't believe that I'm actually going to ride my bike over 200 miles.